What to do in case of theft and intimidation?

I can’t find my personal belongings. I think they have been stolen. What should I do?


If you are unsure whether something has been lost or stolen at your location. Please let us know. You can call your job coach and report this. It is possible someone may have handed in your property at the office or at your place of work.
If you have followed these steps and your personal belongings are still not found. Then it could be stolen. Please inform us and then contact the police.

I am being harassed. What should I do?

If you are being harassed at work, which could be by more than one person, you must always report this to your manager and your job coach. If you are being harassed outside work, for example, on the street, in a shop, or at home by a flat mate, this could constitute a threat. In the Netherlands, there is a difference between being threatened and feeling threatened. Not every threat is considered an offense. If you feel threatened, please inform your job coach. You should report to the police all instances in which you feel someone has threatened you with death, serious injury, rape, or sexual assault. You can call the police on 0900 8844.

I am the victim of a crime. What should I do?

A criminal offense has occurred if you are the victim of a crime. Please report this immediately to your local police. The perpetrator can then be punished. By reporting a crime, the police can keep track of the type of crimes and where they occur. This means that the Dutch police can solve more crimes.
I am the victim of sexual abuse. What should I do?
In the event of sexual abuse, please inform your job coach. We can help you call the police on 0900 8844. You can also call the police yourself.  You can then ask to speak to your local ‘zedenpolitie’ department which has specially trained officers who can help you.

If you would rather go to the police station, you can make an appointment to meet with a specially trained police officer. The police take all reports of possible sexual abuse very seriously. That’s why you will be given a special appointment.

If you have been the victim of sexual abuse very recently and need urgent medical attention or don’t know the perpetrator's identity, then call the Dutch emergency number, 112.